This New Year brings a new role for me. Since January I have been student teaching at a nearby middle school under a wonderful cooperating teacher. I will spend the second part of my semester at an elementary school with yet another fabulous teacher. It is wonderful to finally be at this step in my education where I am crossing the threshold of student to teacher.
Lesson planning is only one component of teaching. Having the opportunity to implement lessons as a student teacher provides immediate response from students in the classroom and helpful feedback from the cooperating teacher who is observing.
I am very fortunate to have an outstanding cooperating teacher as a mentor. I strive to model my methods after hers and look forward to the day that this modeling transfers into who I am as a mentor, teacher, and coworker.
My fellow cohorts and I share weekly reflections of our experiences. This has been quite beneficial for us all as we continue our journey together as students learning to be teachers. I am hopeful that as we enter into our careers we are still able to share our ongoing experiences as teachers.
To read more about my ongoing journey as a teacher please see this blog written by Weam Namou of Cultural glimpse.